• chevron_rightDo you have any vendors you recommend?
    Below is list of vendors that HOA Services has had experience working with and feel comfortable recommending to homeowners. We always recommend getting multiple bids and conducting your own research when choosing a vendor to perform work at your home. 
  • chevron_rightWhat is the after hours emergency number?
  • chevron_rightHow much are my dues and where do I send my payment?
    Payments are due on the first day of each month and are late if they are not received within 15 days of the due date. Late payments will be charged a $10 late fee.
    Assessment Payment Options
    1 - Send a check to our bank PO BOX (address below)
    2 - Setup bill pay through your online banking (ask your bank to assist you if needed)
    3 - Sign up for ACH through our bank (Alliance – form attached - 30 days to activate, send check in meantime)
    4 - Go to Alliance Bank (the Association’s bank) and pay via their website:
    You will need the following information:
                Mgmt ID – 7110
                Association ID – 765
    Unit Account # – xxxxxxxxxx (your account number)
    If you have questions or need help, please call (844) 739-2331 or payments@allianceassociationbank.com
    5 - Go to our web portal https://online.hoaservices.net and register.  You can view billing and payment histories in real time, make credit card payments directly through the online portal, and enroll in other account features, such as receiving your monthly HOA dues statements and other HOA correspondence by email.  Credit card payments are offered through a 3rd party vendor for a small fee.
    Make checks payable to your Association and be sure to include your account number - xxxxxxxxxx, in all correspondence.  Our payment address is as follows:
    Mosaic at Gale Ranch
    c/o HAS Processing Center
    PO Box 95096
    Las Vegas, NV  89193-5096
  • chevron_rightWhere is the management office located?
    Our management company, Homeowner Association Services, is conveniently located just off of I-680 at Crow Canyon Road in the Commons Office Park. Their address is:
    2266 Camino Ramon
    San Ramon, CA 94583
  • chevron_rightWhere can I pick up my pool fob?
    Pool fobs can be picked up from the management office. Each household will receive 2 pool fobs free of charge, but may only have one out at a time. If you lose your pool fob, the second will be free but the first will be deactivated. If you lose the second key fob, there is a charge of $50 for a replacement fob.
    **Homeowners who purchase their home from a seller (not Toll Brothers) should be sure to get their pool fob from the old owner with the other house keys. If a seller does not provide the fob to the new owner, the fob will be deactivated.
  • chevron_rightWhat do my dues cover?
    A full list of what your dues cover can be found in the Budget, but here's a quick breakdown:
        Pool maintenance and upkeep
        Clubhouse maintenance and upkeep
        Reserves (to pay for long term repairs to pools/streets/painting/roofing, etc.)
        Common area landscaping, weed abatement & irrigation (for homes that pay the landscape assessment)
        Insurance on the common areas
        Administrative expenses (management, tax prep, mailings, legal fees, etc.)
        Utilities (gas, electric, water) for the pools and clubhouse
        Maintenance of the private alleyways and mailbox clusters (for homes that pay the alley assessment)
  • chevron_rightHow do I reserve the clubhouse?
    You can check the availability online on the Clubhouse Reservations page!
    The Mosaic Clubhouse may be reserved by individual Members for private events. Only one event may take place per day. The reservation includes the clubhouse, kitchen, and outdoor courtyard but does NOT include the use of the pool area. A Special Use Fee will be required to reserve the Clubhouse. The sponsor of the private event shall be responsible for any damage to the facilities and for the payment of any associated charges.  Please refer to the Reservation Agreement for the full list of rules and additional details about the reservation process. Clubhouse capacity is 150 standing, 55 seated.
    Click a on the Virtual Tour Page to view clubhouse availability and book your reservation on the calendar. Reservations are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. Reservations may be made up to 6 months in advance and may not be booked online less than 7 days in advance. 
    After booking your selected date on the calendar below, please bring the following paperwork to the management office no later than one week after making your reservation online:
    • The Rental Agreement Form.
    • Your insurance declaration page showing at least $500,000 liability coverage.You can also purchase event insurance by visiting this link:              
      • Hub Insurance is direct now through Hub at www.eventinsure.com.
    • The rental fee (check payable to Mosaic HOA). See below for rental rates. 
        Clubhouse Rental Rates
        Room + Chairs & Tables - $175
        The $500 deposit (check payable to Mosaic HOA)
    Our management office is located at 2266 Camino Ramon in San Ramon. Clubhouse address is1475 Bayberry View Lane.
    You can pick up keys to the clubhouse from the management office the business day prior to your event. Any items or decorations left in the clubhouse that are removed by the janitorial staff the next morning will be charged against the deposit.  
  • chevron_rightWho is responsible for the Mosaic Park maintenance?
    The City of San Ramon is responsible for maintaining the barbeques, tables, play structure and landscaping around the Mosaic Park. If you have a concern about the park, you can contact them at (925) 973-2779 or fill out a maintenance request form. A link to the City of San Ramon on-line maintenance request form can be found under the 'Links' page.